18 August 2021
After blowing up my 2183 Mendi there was only one thing left to do. Clear the patch, till the earth once and sow some mustard seed as a cover crop for next year.
The season ended early for this plant, but as it is said "After the season is before the next season" so I start preparing now.
7 August 2021
With all the problems this year has brought, I still have hope. This is not going to be the biggest squash I have ever had, or?
I have a long way to go and a short time to get there, hammer down!!!
6 August 2021
Shit happens!
If you're not blowing them you're not growing them.
31 July 2021
So, this season is not going well at all. Watermelon plants got hit with frost, killed 2 of them and the last one had the roots eaten by a mouse, so no watermelons. Long gourds also got hit with frost and I couldn't get any backups to germinate, so no long gourds. Tomato plants are not producing any mega blossoms so if I have any at all they will not be big. 2183 Mendi has a super plant, but the pumpkin is just not growing as expected, will be lucky to hit 200 lbs. Field pumpkin started off super then produce a soft spot on the blossom, I have been trying to keep it dry so that it will scab over but the growth has gone way down.
That leaves my 1935 Jutras squash. It is growing ok, no records here but I have a outside chance of a personal best. Here is a time lapse showing how it has decided to grow over the blossom end.
13 June 2021
2183 Mendi has the female I want at 18', should be ready in 10 days or so. Plant is filling in nicely. Easy plant to maintain, recommend it to grow.
6 June 2021
2183 Mendi MV 15' SV 8', I will pollinate the next female, there is not one showing so the MV will be another 2-3'. I weed as the plant grows and bury vines looks good now.
22 February
Started 2 pots of Dietrich Heavy Tomatoes with 3 seeds each pot.
26 February all germinated
8 March
Started Primary/Backup AG/Squash seeds
2114 Wallace 2018
2183 Mendi 2019
1935.5 Jutras* 2019
1407 Jutras* (Never germinated)
12 March Germinated
1935.5 Jutras*
13 March Germinated
2183 Mendi
14 March Germinated
2114 Wallace
20 March Repotted all pumpkin seedlings started watering with MYC 4000
15 March
Started Long Gourds
3 x 95.8 olsen LG 2019
3 x 123.8 olsen LG 2020
22 March 2 x 95.8 germinated
31 March Repotted 2 x 95.8 olsen
10 April None of my other LG seeds germinated, not a good start but at least I have 2 plants
31 March
Started 25 decoration gourds
3 April First 3 gourds have germinated.
10 April all have germinated
1 April
Long Gourd and Field Pumpkin patch prepared
4 April
Started 3 x 89.3 Dietrich 20 Field Pumpkins and 3 x 108.9 olsen 20 Watermelons
7 April all watermelons germinated
8 April all field pumpkins germinated
5 April
Started backups, all seeds that I don't need will get planted by friends.
1838 Jutras * x 2
1807.5 Holub *
1701 Jutras *
1511.5 Haist *
915.4 olsen x 3
10 April 1 x 1838, 1701 and 915.4 germinated
11 April the rest have germinated
7 April started 4 x 915.4 olsen backups in incubator
10 April 2 x 915.4 germinated
11 April the rest have germinated
11 April
All 12 of the backup AG and Squash seeds have germinated. Repotted the watermelon and field pumpkin seedlings.
13 April
Transferred the 2183 and 1935 to their patches, way to early but my own fault because I started way to early again! Will protect with a heater and candles, TGFB (thank gosh for backups)
15 April
Started 2 x 3.5 Dietrich heavy tomatoes
17 April
The 2183 Mendi on the left and the 1935 Jutras on the right seem to have adjusted to their new home in the outside greenhouse. Now we hope the weather maintains and we get lucky.